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bronzeRank #974
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Terms and Conditions


1. Introduction
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that a football experience is hopefully
trouble free, fun and enjoyable there may be times when problems do occur. This is why there
is a requirement to have both informal and formal procedures to facilitate problem solving.

2. Grievance & Complaints Procedure
The grievance\complaints procedure applies to all Club Members, Officials and Players as
soon as they join the football Club and coincides with the respective Codes of Conduct. At
any meeting under the complaints procedure, a person may be accompanied by another Club
Member, a Club Official or a supporting person. Similarly the Club may have another person
present. If the problem is not personal or urgent, but may have wider application, the person
may wish instead to raise their problem with a Team or Club Official. Alternatively personal
complaints and grievances are sometimes best resolved informally with the respective Team
Manager and you may wish to try this before initiating a formal grievance.

3. Raising a Grievance
You should, in the first instance, approach your respective Team Manager (or a Club Official
if the grievance is against the Manager) and notify them that you are raising a grievance/
complaint. You must provide to your Team Manager or Club Official (normally the Club
Secretary) a written statement (either hard copy or Email) explaining your grievance and the
basis of it. All relevant points should be clarified in the statement. You will normally then be
invited within 14 days of presenting the grievance to attend a meeting to discuss it. You
must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. Unless further investigation is required
following the meeting, you will be advised in writing of the outcome within 14 days or as
soon as practicable after that. During an investigation if for some reason there is a delay in
establishing outcomes for whatever circumstance all parties will be informed in writing by
lead person responsible for heading the investigation.

a) Parent/Player complaint
i. Any formal complaint raised by either a parent or a player regarding another parent,
player or Club Official should normally be addressed to the Manager of that age
group in the first instance who will endeavour to resolve the complaint. If the complaint
concerns the age-group Manager themselves, clause iv. below applies.
ii. If the Manager does not feel able to deal with the complaint internally, then the
complaint will be dealt with by the Club Management Committee.
iii. In some cases, if the Management Committee feels that the complaint to be of a
serious nature then advice may be sought from a League Official or from the CFA

iv. If the Parent/Player is not satisfied with the decision of the Manager, then details
of the complaint should be made, in writing, to the Secretary who will convene a
Meeting of the Management Committee within (where possible) 14 days to attempt
to resolve the complaint.
b) Manager’s Complaint
i. If the Manager has an issue with a Player which they have been unable to resolve
through discussion between themselves then that player’s parents or guardians
will be informed.
ii. If a problem arises with a Parent then the Manager will normally seek to initially
address the individual concerned.
iii. At all times the Manager will endeavour to speak with either parent or player
iv. If the Manager does not feel able to deal with the complaint, then the matter will
be dealt with by the Club Management Committee.
v. In some cases, if the Management Committee feels that the complaint to be of a
serious nature then advice will be sought from the respective Youth League or The
County FA Ltd.
vi. Any formal complaint regarding an opposing team must be immediately reported
by a member of the Management Committee (Club Secretary if perceived
misconduct or Club Welfare Officer if deemed a Safeguarding or Welfare matter)
who will discuss and, if they feel it is appropriate, forward this matter to the
League or The County FA Ltd.
c) Committee Complaint
i. If, at any time, a complaint is made against a Committee Member then this matter
must be dealt with by the Chairman.
ii. In some cases, if the Chairman feels that the complaint to be of a serious nature
then advice will be sought from other key committee members, a League Official
or The County FA Ltd.
iii. If the complaint is against the Chairman, then the matter will be dealt with by the
rest of the Management Committee.
d) Other Party Complaint
i. If any complaint is received from persons who are not Club Members (i.e. League
Official, opposing teams, members of the public etc.), then it will be referred by
the Secretary to the individual concerned for an explanation of events leading to
the complaint.
ii. This explanation should be made, in writing, to the Secretary within 48 hours.

iii. The Secretary will convene an Emergency Meeting of the Committee to ensure
that the Club is able to respond to the complaint within the necessary time scale
required by the League or the complainant.
e) Complaints Involving Child Safety/Welfare
i) Complaints of a sensitive nature involving allegations of Child Abuse/Child safety
or any Child concerns must be brought to the attention of the Child Welfare Officer
(CWO) in the most confidential manner by either a verbal or written communication.
ii) Should an issue be raised in the form of verbal communication it must be followed
up in writing within 48 hours. No other club members or committee members
are to be informed. The (CWO) will decide what action is to be taken based on the
information received by the complainant.
If, at any time, any person involved with the Club has a concern regarding the safety of
any child they are encouraged to speak with the Child Welfare Officer in the strictest
of confidence and no other party. Complaints of this nature will be dealt with under
the direction of the (CWO) who may if required consult with senior Management